The Leighs Village HallThe Leighs Village Hall

Frequently Asked Questions

Please select one of the frequently asked questions below to view the answer.

  • 1. How do I book the village hall?

    There are currently two options:

    1) You may use the new online booking form where you can provisionally book a slot subject to availability. The system will notify the booking secretary who will then confirm the booking date & time and ensure you have completed the appropriate “Hire Agreement” and received a copy of the “Conditions of Hire“.

    2) Contact Stuart Wilson (booking secretary) on 01245 364193 ( A hire agreement form will be emailed or posted with a copy of the conditions of hire)

  • 2. Who do I contact if I want to start a club?

    Any organisation may hire the hall subject to availability. Please follow the normal booking process.

  • 3. Can I book sections of the village hall?

    The John Wright Hall (Large)  & The Brian Poultney Hall  (Small) can both be booked individually. Either  hall will have access to the kitchen on a shared basis where relevant.

  • 4. Must I live in the village to book the hall?

    There is no requirement for hirers to live in the village of Great & Little Leighs.

  • 5. How many car parking spaces are there?

    There are two marked parking bays located adjacent to the entrance for drivers/passengers where the vehicle is displaying the blue badge for people with impaired mobility. The remainder of the car park is not marked with bays and users are requested to park courteously . Please note that on occasions the West End parking area nearest to “Main Road” is allocated solely for  users of the playing field.

  • 6. Do we have a license for the sale of alcohol.

    NO. – However you can apply to Chelmsford City Council for  a “Temporary Events Licence” which is subject to an approval process. There is a charge for this service made by the city council.

  • 7. Where can I view the halls booking Conditions of Hire.

  • 8. Hall dimensions, Charges & other key information.

  • 9. Site Documents Admin Access Only:

    LVH Docs & Certificates

Make a Booking
View the Rooms
View the Rooms
View the Rooms